Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Summary

Monday- June, 28

Fascinating lecture, but complicated subject. 4 hours after lecture-during the night-I managed to understand some, at least.

Tuesday-June 29
An hour short of Physics lecture. I realized that during the last school time, I was not really understand the Newton's Law =). That day, I did.

Wednesday-June 30
Half-way fasting. Due to a 4-hours-long lecture. I do not know how fasting and lecture relate, but the lecture suddenly made me very hungry. I had my lunch.

Thursday- July 1
Got 9.6 out of 10 for Mathematics quiz. I smiled the whole day...

Friday-July 2
Had a Mathematics quiz-functions- --_--!

Saturday-July 3
( I realize this entry becoming short at the end of it) Mom and dad came. Had a sweet chat before they gave some inspiration.

(this entry looks dull. maybe I should not do like this again.)